Deb partnered with Short Hills Tile to create that vintage vibe. Deb Foglia discusses her progress with her home renovations at the Mountain Chateau. We seem to be checking off projects per…

Short Hills NJ, September 11, 2023 – Experience a new era of luxury living as Taylor Vose Apartments grace downtown South Orange, offering residents a sophisticated oasis with a touch of New York…

Deb partnered with Short Hills Tile to create that vintage vibe. Let’s take you all back to how this bathroom looked before! Our 3rd floor bathroom was in the worst shape space…

Introducing Cleopatra & Wave Featured here in our Calacatta Gold More colors at www.shorthillstile.com When Short Hills Marble & Tile is ready to launch a new stone color or design, owner Robert…

Welcome To Our World of Stone When you drive past the iconic green awning and sprawling ivy at 658 Morris Turnpike, your first glance is maybe it’s a house? And you wouldn’t…

We are always so honored when a design professional chooses our stone for their own personal projects. After all, there’s no end to the resources at their fingertips and creative ideas bubbling…

Spec homes have a reputation for being blank slates and a bit impersonal, but Etai Har-El, owner of Moore Development & Construction, with the help of a networked team, has made building…